Thursday, April 11, 2019

Choosing the Right Fats in your Diet

We wake up every day, look in the mirror and notice minor changes. Whether obese or not, everyone wants to look healthy. The shape of our body sends a message which reflects our persona to the people around us. One critical parameter that determines our shape is directly associated with the consumption of Fats.

Of course, we have numerous information and various views regarding fat and its consumption. What exactly is it? Is it healthy or unhealthy? Do we even need fats in our human body?
Let us make an attempt to delve deep into the matter and get some clarity towards the end of this as to what are fats, and what do we need to know in order to remain fit and healthy.

Fats and their types

We all know that our human body needs many nutrients that provide us the energy for survival and work. Fats are one of the key nutrients that our body needs besides proteins and carbohydrates. It provides nutrition and stores energy.

There are many types of dietary fats that we consume every day through the food that we eat. Unsaturated, Saturated, Mono-saturated, Poly-unsaturated, and Trans. Unsaturated Fats are the healthiest of all with energetic nutrients. There are two forms of unsaturated fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
Fats that we consume are different according to the type of food that we eat. Although unsaturated fats are the healthiest we have also been consuming all other forms of fats which may be slowly ruining our health in the long run.
So what do we need to consume in order to remain healthy and have our good fat levels high while the bad one in control along with our cholesterol? We have to consume according to the 2000 calorie based diet, and according to the American Heart Association, not more than 200 calories should come from fats that we eat.

Associated Fats with varied Edibles
Let us look at our varied consumption and see what is making us either healthy or unhealthy. Have you been consuming too much red meat for protein? If you answered yes then you are consuming way too much saturated fat which is extremely unhealthy especially for your heart. Saturated fats are better consumed through dairy products cheese, butter, and milk products.

Similarly how often do you feel the need for junk? We do like the occasional bite of our burger served with a side of a large portion of french fries. This is extremely dangerous for your health and it will lead to not only clogging of arteries but also have serious repercussions to major organs of the body. It raises the LDL level of your cholesterol which if left unchecked will lead to major heart failing conditions.

Consumption of Cakes, deep-fried foods, cheeses those that are found in pizza and microwaveable foods contain a large amount of trans fat. Our consumption depending on how often we make them a part of our diet determines our health for the future.
We have to make a conscious decision to eat healthily and consume the right kind of fats that will be beneficial and healthy for our body. Consuming fats from the source of vegetables, plants and fruits are better suited and digested. Fats from avocado, flax seed, pumpkin seed, and almonds are unsaturated and healthy.

Omega-3 found mainly through the source of fish is essential for our body. It is an unsaturated fat that helps maintain our heart. It can also be found in walnuts and soya bean oil. Studies have shown that taking omega-3 maintains cardiovascular rhythm.

Cooking oil that we use also makes a big difference in the levels of our bad LDL cholesterol. Sunflower oil and mainly other prominent cooking oils found in the supermarket that we use to cook our food may be adversely affecting our health. It is well known that too much consumption of oil is dangerous for our system and is also the major cause of cardiovascular and other diseases. It leads to premature death. So what is the alternative that we have, we can switch to either Olive oil, or consume foods that are not deep fried in oil?

The Healthier Side

We have to make a wise decision that will ultimately let us live a less complicated choice. Deteriorating one’s personal health due to poor choices of food should not be a part of our modern lifestyle, not when you have information that you can access and follow.
Limit oil intake, avoid deep-fried foods, exercise regularly and eat healthily. Our lifespan is continuously increasing with scientific advancement and our approach towards our health is fundamental to the progress of society. Consuming too much fat will only increase our hospital bills alongside weakened immunity, clogged arteries, and an extremely weak libido.

Increase the intake of natural fat foods that are available if red meat is a part of your diet limit it to maintain your health. Green leafy vegetables are crucial to our health and a rich source of unsaturated fat. Make this change for the better or suffer in the long run -the choice solely rests with you.

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